
number Registry.GetValueType ( 

number MainKey,

string SubKey,

string Value )

Example 1

value_type = Registry.GetValueType (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\My Application", "InstallPath");

Gets the type of data stored in the "InstallPath" value located at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\My Application" and stores the corresponding numeric constant in value_type. If the "InstallPath" value was of type REG_SZ, the number 1 would be returned.

You could test the return value with an if statement, like this:

if value_type == REG_SZ then

 -- only do this part if the InstallPath Registry value
 -- at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\My Application
 -- is of type REG_SZ (a string)


See also:  Related Actions