
Progress.StepIt ( 

string ObjectName )

Example 1

-- Set the progress bar range from 0 to 50
Progress.SetRange("Status", 0, 50);

-- Set the current position to 0 (the beginning)
Progress.SetCurrentPos("Status", 0);

-- Set the step size to 10
Progress.SetStep("Status", 10);

-- nLoopControl is used to control the loop below
nLoopControl = 5;

-- Do the following as long as nLoopControl is greater than 0
-- In this case, this loop will be performed 5 times
while nLoopControl > 0 do
   -- Increment the current progress   
   -- Check to see if any errors occurred calling the Progress.StepIt action.
   -- If any error occurred, display the error message.
   error = Application.GetLastError();
   if (error ~= 0) then
       Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);
   -- Subtract 1 from nLoopControl
   nLoopControl = nLoopControl - 1;

Sets the range of the "Status" progress meter from 0 to 50, sets the step size to 10, sets the current position to 0, and steps the progress meter five times.

See also:  Related Actions