
Flash.SetReturnValue ( 

string ObjectName,

string XMLReturnValue )

Example 1

-- This code is meant to be placed on the Flash Object's On FlashCall event.
strXML = XML.SetXML(e_FlashCall);
strFunctionName = XML.GetAttribute("invoke", "name");

-- Check for a specific function call from the Flash actionscript request.
if (String.CompareNoCase(strFunctionName, "FunctionRequested") == 0) then
    Flash.SetReturnValue("Flash1", "<string>FunctionRequested result string to return</string>");

This example responds to an actionscript function call on a Flash object's "On FlashCall" event. If the function being called is named "FunctionRequested", the string 'FunctionRequested result string to return' is returned to the Flash file.

See also:  Related Actions