
number File.RunAs ( 

string  Filename,

string  Args = "",

string  WorkingFolder = "",

number  WindowMode = SW_SHOWNORMAL,

boolean WaitForReturn = false,

string  UserName = "",

string  Password = "",

string  Domain = "",

number  LogonFlag = LOGON_NO_OPTION,

table   CreationOptions = nil,

table   ExtendedErrorInfo = nil )

Example 1

ReturnCode = File.RunAs(_TempFolder.."\\setup.exe", "/W", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true, "TestUser", "fake_password", "", LOGON_NO_OPTION, nil, nil);

Runs "setup.exe" located in the user's Temp folder using "TestUser" user permissions, passes it /W as a command line argument, and waits for setup.exe to exit before continuing with the next action.  Any code returned by "setup.exe" is stored in variable "ReturnCode".

Note: _TempFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's system "Temp" folder.

Example 2

-- Create the extended error info table.
ExtendedErrorInfo = {};

-- Run the file as an administrator.
nReturnCode = File.RunAs(_TempFolder.."\\SetupTest.exe", "/W", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true, "Administrator", "master_password", "", LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, nil, ExtendedErrorInfo);
error = Application.GetLastError();

-- Check if the action succeeded or failed and display the error messages.
if (error ~=0) then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error].."\r\n"..ExtendedErrorInfo.ErrorCode..": "..ExtendedErrorInfo.ErrorMsg);

Runs "SetupTest.exe" located in the user's Temp folder using "Administrator" user permissions, passes it /W as a command line argument, and waits for SetupTest.exe to exit before continuing with the next action.  Any code returned by "setup.exe" is stored in variable "ReturnCode" and if an error occurs, the error code and messages are shown in a dialog message.

See also:  Related Actions