
boolean File.Install ( 

string   Filename,

string   Destination,

number   Overwrite = 0,

boolean  CreateBackup = false,

boolean  SharedSystem = false,

function ProgressCallbackFunction = nil,

function OverwriteCallbackFunction = nil )

Example 1

-- Install the file cooltoy.dll.
success = File.Install("AutoPlay\\Docs\\cooltoy.dll", _SystemFolder.."\\cooltoy.dll", FILE_INSTALL_ALWAYS, false, false, nil, nil );

-- Check to see if the install action was successful by getting an error code.
error = Application.GetLastError();

-- If the install was not successful, display its error message.
if success == false then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

Installs the "AutoPlay\Docs\cooltoy.dll" file to the user's System folder, overwriting any existing cooltoy.dll file that might be there. Stores true or false in a variable named "success" according to whether or not the file was successfully installed. If it failed, the error code message is shown in a dialog message.

See also:  Related Actions