
File.Delete ( 

string   Source,

boolean  Recurse = false,

boolean  AbortOnFail = false,

boolean  IncludeHiddenFiles = true,

function CallbackFunction = nil )

Example 1


Deletes all of the text files in the "AutoPlay\Docs" folder, and does not go into any subfolders inside "AutoPlay\Docs" as it searches for files ending in .txt.

Example 2

File.Delete(_TempFolder .. "\\install.log", false, false, true, CB_Delete);

Deletes a file named "install.log" from the user's temp folder. The action is told not to recurse into subfolders, not to abort on failure, and to delete the file even if its "hidden" or "system" attributes are set. A function named CB_Delete will be called whenever progress is made in the delete operation (i.e. every time x number of bytes are deleted).

Example 3

-- Gets the path to the user's My Documents folder.
my_docs_path = Shell.GetFolder(SHF_MYDOCUMENTS);

-- Check to see if the My Documents folder detection was successful.
if (Application.GetLastError() == 0)then

    -- Search the user's My Documents folder for the file "Data.ini".
    search_results = File.Find(my_docs_path, "Data.ini", true, false, nil);

    --Check to see if an error occurred during the search. If it did, display the error message.
    error = Application.GetLastError();
    if error ~= 0 then

        -- If no files were found, notify the user.
        if (search_results == nil) then
            Dialog.Message("Notice", "Data.ini was not found in your My Documents folder.");

        -- If files were found, display a dialog containing a list of their locations.
        -- Also ask for deletion confirmation.
            message = "Data.ini was found in the following location(s). Click OK to delete the file(s):\r\n\r\n";
            for index, path in pairs(search_results) do
                message = String.Concat(message, path.."\r\n");
            proceed = Dialog.Message("File Search Results", message, MB_OKCANCEL, MB_ICONQUESTION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

            -- If the user clicked OK, delete all of the files found.
            if proceed == IDOK then

                -- Delete each file found in the search.
                for index, path in pairs(search_results) do
                    File.Delete(path, false, false, false, nil);

                    -- Check to see if any errors occurred during the deletion.
                    if (Application.GetLastError() ~= 0) then
                        Dialog.Message("Error", "The file located at: "..path.." could not be deleted.");

This example uses the File.Find action to search for all copies of a particular INI file in the user's My Documents folder. If the file is found in more than one location, the user is presented with the list and asked if they wish to delete them. If they agree, each copy is deleted using the File.Delete action.

See also:  Related Actions