
Application.SetPageScript ( 

string PageName,

string EventName,

string Script )

Example 1

Application.SetPageScript("Page2", "On Show", "Application.Exit()");

Sets the script for the 'On Show' event of 'Page2' to Application.Exit.

Example 2

-- Get the script existing in the event
sPreviousScript = Application.GetPageScript ("Page1", "On Preload");

-- Append an Application.Exit action to the end of the script
sNewScript = sPreviousScript .. "\r\n" .. "Application.Exit()";

-- Set the event's script
Application.SetPageScript("Page1", "On Preload", sNewScript);

Appends an Application.Exit action to the end of the script located in the 'On Preload' event of 'Page1'.

See also:  Related Actions