
table Application.GetPageProperties ( 

string  PageName )

Example 1

tbPageProperties = Application.GetPageProperties("Page1");

if (tbPageProperties) then
    strMessage = "The properties of the page are:\r\n\r\n";
    strKeywords = "Keywords: ";
    for index, value in pairs(tbPageProperties) do
        -- Check if the index is the Keywords table.
        if (index == "Keywords") then
            -- Check if the keywords table contains values.
            if (value) then
                for key_index, key_value in pairs(value) do
                    strKeywords = strKeywords..key_value..", ";
                -- Trim the last comma.
                strKeywords = String.TrimRight(strKeywords, ", ");
            strMessage = strMessage..index..": "..value.."\r\n";

    Dialog.Message("Page Properties", strMessage..strKeywords);

Gets all of the properties for "Page1" and shows their values in a dialog message.

See also:  Related Actions