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Send Email with Subject, Body and Attachment

To send an e-mail with various fields filled in, use the File.OpenEmail action. The following can be filled in:
To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Body.

  1. To send an email with the following properties:

    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Bcc: [email protected]
    Subject: Your subject here
    Body: Whatever you want as your email body here

    Use the following action:

File.OpenEmail("[email protected][email protected]&[email protected]&Subject=Your subject here&Body=Whatever you want as your email body here", SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Note: To send an email with an attachment, you would have to Uuencode the file, and include it in the body of the email message. This is an advanced implementation of the File.OpenEmail action. Indigo Rose can not assist you with implementation details. Be aware that not all email clients will recognize all options.