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Display a Save As Dialog

A Save As dialog is often presented to allow a user to select a location to save a file to.

To display a Save As dialog using AutoPlay Media Studio:

  1. Create a Dialog.FileBrowse action. Set the FileOpen property to false:

file=Dialog.FileBrowse(false, "Save As", "c:\\", "All Files (*.*)|*.*|", "", "", false, true);

Note: File is a table. In the above example, multiple file select is not allowed. To access the path returned by the FileBrowse action, use file[1] as a variable. This gets the value from the first position of the table.

  1. If you are using the Save As dialog to copy a file from your cd to the user's system, you must use a File.Copy command after the Save As dialog has been displayed:

File.Copy("c:\\example.exe", file[1], false, false, false, false, nil);