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Compare Two Strings

String comparisons are performed in the same manor as number comparisons. As an example, we will create two strings, and perform an action based on their contents:

  1. Create two variables containing strings:

String1 = "I am String1";
String2 = "I am String2";

  1. Compare the two strings:

if String1 == String2 then
    --the two strings are equal
    --the two strings are not equal
    if String1 > String2 then
        --String1 is alphabetically larger than String2
    elseif String1 < String2 then
        --String1 is alphabetically smaller than String2

Note: if you want to compare the lengths of two strings, you must use the String.Length action:

if String.Length(String1) == String.Length(String2) then
    --the two strings are the same length!!

Tip: To perform a non-case-sensitive comparison on two strings, use a String.CompareNoCase action.