Build Settings

Build Cache

Cache diff files

Make Visual Patch cache the project's diff files each time a build is performed. This means it will only ever make a diff between the same exact two files once. Once it is made and in the cache, the cached version will be used for future builds of diffs between those exact two files. This greatly decreases the build time if you are simply working on action script and not adding any further versions or files to your project.

Cache compressed file sizes

Make Visual Patch cache the compressed size of the files to speed up the build process. During the build, the program must calculate the compressed size of every diff file and target in order to produce optimal results.  When this option is turned on, a database of compressed file sizes is kept. This can help speed up the build process, especially with large files.

Cache folder:

The folder to use to store the cached diffs and build data files. This folder can be used either as a per-project cache, or a shared cache for multiple projects. You can click the Browse button to select a folder.

Clear Cache

Deletes all cached files from the cache folder. It is a good idea to clear the build cache every once in a while, especially if the amount of free system memory you have available increases.

One reason for clearing the build cache is to free up disk space used by cache files. Another reason is that you may have more system memory available now than when you originally built the cache files and want to try to get better results on the next build.

Multipass Diff Creation


If enabled, Visual Patch will perform multiple passes on each file in order to achieve the smallest possible diff size. Each successive pass will look for longer patterns in the file, which, depending on the internal structure of the file, may result in better compression.

If disabled, Visual Patch will use the default settings and will only perform one pass.

Initial pass time threshold:

The time threshold (in seconds) that will determine whether multiple passes should be performed on a file. If the first pass takes less time than this value, additional passes will be performed. If the first pass takes longer than this value, Visual Patch will not perform additional passes on the file.

You can use this setting to avoid performing the multipass optimization on files that take longer to build.

Note: If set to zero, the time threshold will be ignored and Visual Patch will always perform multiple passes.

Maximum additional passes:

The maximum number of additional attempts Visual Patch will use to create the smallest possible diff for each file. This can be a value between 1 and 10.

Low Memory Scenario

Minimize patch size

Use as much memory as necessary in order to achieve the smallest possible diff files.

Note: It is recommended that you select this option if you have the cache diff files option selected. When caching is enabled, the diff files will only need to be created once, so the amount of time it takes to create them is less important.

Maximize build speed

Maximize the speed of the build process when creating the patch. This will decrease compression, so you may not receive the smallest possible patch.