
string VisualPatch.CheckFolderVersion ( 

string SessionVariable,

string Folder )

Example 1

-- Define a global variable that will indicate the name
-- of the installed version on the user's system. A nil value
-- indicates that an installed version has not been found.
g_InstalledVersion = nil;

-- Location method: Current folder
-- Check whether the software is installed in the folder
-- that the patch was run from.
if not g_InstalledVersion then
    g_InstalledVersion = VisualPatch.CheckFolderVersion("%AppFolder%", _SourceFolder);
    if g_InstalledVersion then
        SessionVar.Set("%AppFolder%", _SourceFolder);

Checks to see if the folder where the patch is running from (denoted by the global variable _SourceFolder) is found to be the application folder being searched for.

Example 2

-- Location method: Registry key
-- Read a folder path from the Registry.

if not g_InstalledVersion then
    local MainKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
    local SubKey = SessionVar.Expand("Software\\Your Company\\Your Product");
    local ValueName = "InstallFolder";
    local FolderPath = Registry.GetValue(MainKey, SubKey, ValueName);
    g_InstalledVersion = VisualPatch.CheckFolderVersion("%AppFolder%", FolderPath);
    if g_InstalledVersion then
        SessionVar.Set("%AppFolder%", FolderPath);

Checks to see if the folder path read from a Registry key is found to be the application folder being searched for.

See also:  Related Actions