
table SetupData.GetSerialListNames ( 


Example 1

tSerialLists = SetupData.GetSerialListNames();

Gets the names of all of the serial number lists and stores them in the table "tSerialLists."

Example 2

- Get the list names and set serial number to search for
tListNames = SetupData.GetSerialListNames();
sSerialToCheck = "ABCD-1234-DCBA-4321";

-- assume the serial number is not valid
bIsValid = false;

-- Traverse through the name table
for nIndex, sName in pairs(tListNames) do
    -- check if given serial is valid in current list
    bIsValid = SetupData.IsValidSerialNumber(sName, sSerialToCheck)
    if bIsValid then
        -- the serial is valid, break out of the loop

if bIsValid then
    -- The serial number exists in at least one of the lists
    Dialog.Message("", "YAY");
    -- The serial number does not exist in any of the lists
    Dialog.Message("", "NAY");

Checks if a given serial number is valid in any of the lists in the installer.

See also:  Related Actions