
number File.Run ( 

string  Filename,

string  Args = "",

string  WorkingFolder = "",

number  WindowMode = SW_SHOWNORMAL,

boolean WaitForReturn = false )

Example 1

ReturnCode = File.Run(_TempFolder.."\\setup.exe", "/w", "", SW_MAXIMIZE, true);

Runs "setup.exe" located in the user's Temp folder, passes it /w as a command line argument, tells it to open with its window maximized, and waits for setup.exe to exit before continuing with the next action.  Any code returned by "setup.exe" is stored in variable "ReturnCode".

Note: _TempFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's system "Temp" folder.

Example 2

File.Run("notepad.exe", _SourceFolder.."\\Docs\\readme.txt", "C:\\Temp", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true);

Runs notepad.exe and opens "Docs\readme.txt" in it which is located in the source folder. Specifies C:\Temp as the working directory, tells notepad to open with its normal window size and position, and waits for the user to close notepad.exe before continuing.  

Note: _SourceFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the folder where the setup.exe file is located.

Example 3

-- Confirm that the installation executable should be launched.
result = Dialog.Message("Confirm", "Are you sure you would like to install now?", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

-- If the user clicked the Yes button.
if (result == IDYES) then

    -- Run the installation file.
    File.Run(_TempFolder.."\\Second_Install\\setup.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);

    -- Check to see if an error occurred when launching the file.
    error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display an error message to the user.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

Asks the user if they would like to run the installation file. If they click the Yes button, the installation file will be launched using the File.Run action. If the action fails, the error code message is displayed in a dialog message.

Example 4

-- Get the session variable and assign it to a regular variable
AppDir = SessionVar.Expand("%AppFolder%");

-- Run the file using the AppDir variable
File.Run(AppDir.."\\Myfile.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);

-- This could also be done as such
File.Run(SessionVar.Expand("%AppFolder%").."\\Myfile.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);

This example shows two ways of using a File.Run action with a session variable.

See also:  Related Actions