
table Window.EnumerateTitles ( 

boolean TopLevel = true )

Example 1

all_titles = Window.EnumerateTitles();

Gets the window handles and titles of all of the open windows on the user's system and stores them in a table called "all_titles."

Example 2

-- Get the titles and window handles of all open windows.
windows = Window.EnumerateTitles();

-- A variable containing text in the title you want to search for.
window_name = "Notepad";

-- Loop through the table of windows.
for handle, title in windows do

    -- Check if the window title has the target text.
    result = String.Find(title, window_name, 1, false);

    -- if the string was found in the title, send the window a close message.
    if (result ~= -1) then
        Window.Close(handle, CLOSEWND_SENDMESSAGE);

Finds all open windows with the string "Notepad" in the title and sends each of them a close message.

See also:  Related Actions