
table UninstallData.GetItemList ( 

number ItemType )

Example 1

tItemList = UninstallData.GetItemList(UNINDATA_FILES);

Gets a list of all of the files referenced in the uninstall configuration file and stores it in table "tItemList".

Example 2

tSessionVars = UninstallData.GetItemList(UNINDATA_SESSIONVARS);
sOutput = "";

for nIndex, sName in tSessionVars do
    tDetails = UninstallData.GetItem(UNINDATA_SESSIONVARS, sName);
    sOutput = sOutput .. tDetails.Name .. ": " .. tDetails.Value .. "\r\n";

TextFile.WriteFromString("C:\\SessionVariables.txt", sOutput, false);

Gets a list of the session variables stored in the uninstall configuration file.  Each of these session variables, and their stored values are stored in the string sOutput, and written out to a text file.

See also:  Related Actions