
table SetupData.GetFileList ( 

number ListToGet = ARCHIVE_LIST )

Example 1

tFiles = SetupData.GetFileList(ARCHIVE_LIST);

Gets the list of archive files (and corresponding properties) from the installation, and stores them in table "tFiles".

Example 2

-- Function to convert any boolean values to strings
function BoolToString(value)
    if type (value) == "boolean" then
        if value then
            return "True";
            return "False";
        return value;

-- Get the list of files and properties
tFileList = SetupData.GetFileList(BOTH_LISTS);

-- Initialize variable to hold information
StringToWrite = "";

-- Traverse through each file in the table
for nIndex, PropTable in tFileList do

    -- Get filename and write it to the string
    StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. "#########################################" .. "\r\n";
    StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. "Filename: " .. PropTable.FileName .. "\r\n\r\n";

    -- Traverse through property table
    for sSubIndex, Value in PropTable do
        -- If the current property is not the filename, and is not a table, store in string
        if sSubIndex ~= "FileName" and type(Value) ~= "table" then
            StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. sSubIndex .. ":  " .. BoolToString(Value) .. "\r\n";

        -- If the current property is packages, traverse the table and store in string
        elseif sSubIndex == "Packages" and Value then
            StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. sSubIndex .. ": ..." .. "\r\n";

            for nPackageIndex, sPackageName in Value do
                StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. " [PACKAGE " .. nPackageIndex .. "] " .. sPackageName .. "\r\n";



    -- Finish off current filename in string with a nice 'footer'
    StringToWrite = StringToWrite .. "#########################################" .. "\r\n\r\n\r\n";


-- Write string to a file
TextFile.WriteFromString("C:\\Project_File_Report.txt", StringToWrite, false);

Gets the list of files from the setup, and outputs it (and corresponding properties) to "C:\Project_File_Report.txt".

See also:  Related Actions