Project Template Information

The Project Template Information dialog allows you to save the following information inside the exported template:

Template name:

The name of the template. If the template is in the \AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0\Templates directory, this is the text that will appear below the screen shot when the template is loaded into the new project wizard.

Author name:

The name of the template author.

Contact info:

How users of your template can contact you. This can be an email address, a phone number, a website address, or anything else that you can think of.

Web site:

The URL of your company's website.


Copyright information relating to your template.

Screen shot image (108 x 81):

An image to be displayed in AutoPlay's new project wizard if the template is in the \AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0\Templates directory. Click the Browse... button to browse for an image file.

Categories (comma-seperated):

A list of categories that your template relates to.


A short description related to your template.