How do I...?

Size my Application to Particular Screen Dimensions

The easiest way to ensure that your project plays on everyone's computer is to design it to the lowest common denominator. Every computer system capable of running an AutoPlay generated file can support 640x480 resolution.

Our default project size is compatible with a 640x480 resolution.

If you desire to have a project that makes use of the user's entire screen, no matter what their resolution, the easiest way is to design a separate project for each resolution. Also create one 'master' project that determines the user's resolution (System.GetDisplayInfo), and have it launch the appropriate sized application.

If both of these options are unacceptable, AutoPlay does include actions to resize and reposition objects on your page. Likewise, as of version 6.0, the application window can be resizable, and whenever the window is resized the On Size project event is fired. With these features, it is possible to reposition and resize objects based on the user's screen resolution.