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Check if a Particular Program is Running

As an example, let us assume that you want to run your program (autorun.exe) only if there is not another autorun.exe running on the system. To accomplish this, use the Window.EnumerateProcesses action and check every process against the filename autorun.exe.

  1. Insert the following code into the On Show event of your page:

-- Initialize variables
instances_of_file = 0;
file_to_check_for = "autorun.exe"; --have all lowercase
processes = Window.EnumerateProcesses();

-- Step through process table
for j, file_path in processes do
  -- Split path to get filename
    file = String.SplitPath(file_path);
  -- compare filename to the file specified in variable initialization
    if (String.Lower(file.Filename..file.Extension)) == file_to_check_for then
      -- The process matches, increment count by 1.
        instances_of_file = instances_of_file + 1;

-- Check if at least one file matched
if instances_of_file > 0 then
  -- There was at least one match, hide this application window, display error, and close.
    Dialog.Message("Error", "Another instance of Autorun.exe is already open.");
    Window.Close(Application.GetWndHandle(), CLOSEWND_TERMINATE);