How do I...?

Use the Status Dialog

In AutoPlay Media Studio 5.0, it is possible to display a status dialog to your user using built in actions.  This is useful if, for example, your application uses a loop that takes quite a bit of time to complete.

As an example, we will create a loop that counts to 20,000, and display a status window letting the user know the status of the count:

  1. Create a button object, and add the following code to its On Click event:

--set the minimum and maximum values
minimum_value = 0;
maximum_value = 20000;

--status dialog window settings
StatusDlg.Show(); --show the status dialog window
StatusDlg.SetTitle("Counting from " .. minimum_value .. " to " .. maximum_value); --set the title
StatusDlg.SetMeterRange(minimum_value, maximum_value); --set the range of the meter

--counting loop
loop_control = minimum_value; --set the loop control variable
while loop_control <= maximum_value do --while the loop control variable is less than or equal to the maximum value
    StatusDlg.SetMeterPos(loop_control); --set the meter position to the loop control variable
    StatusDlg.SetStatusText("Currently Counting . . . (" .. loop_control .. " of " .. maximum_value .. ")");  --set the status text to reflect the current number
    loop_control = loop_control + 1; --increment the loop control variable

Note: The above code when run will count to 20,000, and display a status dialog showing the progress of the loop. 

Applies to:

Professional Edition