
table System.GetMousePosition ( 

boolean ClientCoordinates = true,

number  WndHandle = nil )

Example 1

tMousePos = System.GetMousePosition(true);
tPageSize = {W=640,H=480};

if tMousePos.X < 0 or tMousePos.X > tPageSize.W then
   -- Mouse is outside the left or right side of the page

if tMousePos.Y < 0 or tMousePos.Y > tPageSize.H then
   -- Mouse is outside the top or bottom side of the page

Determines if the mouse cursor is outside the bounds of the page.

Example 2

tMousePos = System.GetMousePosition(true,DialogEx.GetWndHandle());
Label.SetText("Label1", tMousePos.X.." , "..tMousePos.Y);

Updates a label object on a dialog with the current mouse position coordinates.

See also:  Related Actions