
number String.Find ( 

string  SearchString,

string  Pattern,

number  StartAt = 1,

boolean CaseSensitive = false )

Example 1

target_index = String.Find("Indigo Rose, the company who cares.", "company", 1, false);

Searches the string "Indigo Rose, the company who cares." for the sub-string "company" and returns the first position it was found. In this example, the variable "target_index" would contain the number 18.

Example 2

target_index = String.Find("The mean Boy popped my balloon. I think that Boy needs therapy.", "Boy", 13, true);

Performs a case-sensitive search on the string "That mean boy popped my balloon. I think that boy needs therapy." for the sub-string "Boy" starting at position 13 in the string. In this example, the variable "target_index" would contain the number 46 since it is the first occurrence of "Boy" after position 13 in the string.

See also:  Related Actions