
string Grid.GetCellText ( 

string ObjectName,

number Row,

number Column )

Example 1

-- Get the value of 1,1
sValue = Grid.GetCellText("Grid1", 1, 1);

-- Convert it into an integer
nValue = String.ToNumber(sValue);

-- Do a calculation to it
nValue = nValue + 1;

-- Set the cell with the new value
Grid.SetCellText("Grid1", 1, 1, nValue, true);

Increments a cell that contains a number.

Example 2

-- Get the value of 3,2
sThreeTwo = Grid.GetCellText("Grid1", 3, 2);

Gets the value of cell (3,2) and sets it to variable "sThreeTwo".

See also:  Related Actions