Unicode Action Plugin

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  • boku
    Indigo Rose Customer
    • Mar 2009
    • 283

    An extremely useful and code cutting solution. Much appreciated Peter!
    - BoKu -


    • Intrigued
      Indigo Rose Customer
      • Dec 2003
      • 6125

      Thanks Ulrich!

      I'm still around, just in a read mode with AMS of late. I still try to upload all professionally done, polish free plugins, assemblies, etc. So, if someone gets stuck, needs something. Please post it on the forums and one of us archivers will surely try to accomodate.


      • Clue
        Forum Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 4

        What's the common cause for a 12031 error?


        Thanks for the suggestion in the other thread about displaying Japanese Character.

        Anyways, I searched and found your plugin and it seemed to be my savior. :yes But I kept on getting this 12031 error when I attempted to use it. I double checked the unicode text file and made sure that it is saved in Unicode format. Well, it actually is just a text file with a line of Japanese char created with Notepad. So what could possibly be the cause of this error?

        Thanks for your help.


        • Ulrich
          Indigo Rose Staff Member
          • Apr 2005
          • 5138


          could please zip the file and attach it here? The error is expected if the encoding specified does not correspond to the actual source file, or maybe if the source file cannot be translated to the target encoding... I'll have to see what is happening.



          • Clue
            Forum Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 4

            Zipped File Attached


            Here you go.

            Thanks a lot.
            Attached Files


            • AMSWaves
              Forum Member
              • Jun 2008
              • 231

              Hi All,
              this is possible to call Unicode Function or pass a string as a PWChar with memory plugin an some api programming.
              i write two function (Ansi2Uni & Uni2Ansi) with these you can call unicode functions (Uses Memory Plugin
              function Ansi2Uni(st)
                blen = (String.Length(st)*2)+2
                wbuf = Memory.Allocate(blen)
                _st = Memory.Allocate(String.Length(st))
                Memory.PutString(_st, st, -1, "UTF8")
                DLL.CallFunction("kernel32.dll", "MultiByteToWideChar", "0, 0, ".._st..", -1, "..wbuf..", "..blen, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_INTEGER, DLL_CALL_STDCALL)
                return wbuf
              function Uni2Ansi(Uni)
                size = DLL.CallFunction("kernel32.dll", "WideCharToMultiByte", "0, 0, "..Uni..", -1, 0, 0, 0, 0", DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL)
                heap = DLL.CallFunction("kernel32.dll", "GetProcessHeap", "", DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL)
                ansi = tonumber(DLL.CallFunction("kernel32.dll", "HeapAlloc", heap..", 8, "..size, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL))
                DLL.CallFunction("kernel32.dll", "WideCharToMultiByte", "0, 0, "..Uni..", -1, "..ansi..", "..size..", 0, 0", DLL_RETURN_TYPE_LONG, DLL_CALL_STDCALL)
                local ret = Memory.GetString(ansi, -1, "UTF8")
                return ret
              And see example how you can call MessageBoxW(this is not possible in AMS) :
              Text = Ansi2Uni("Hello World")
              Caption = Ansi2Uni("Test")
              DLL.CallFunction("user32.dll", "MessageBoxW", Application.GetWndHandle()..", "..Text..", "..Caption..", 0", DLL_RETURN_TYPE_INTEGER, DLL_CALL_STDCALL)
              so i learn one thing in my Programming Life, that nothing is not impossible in programming.

              Last edited by AMSWaves; 08-25-2009, 05:41 PM.


              • gvanassche

                Ulrich, this really fulfils a need... I'm not sure however it can fulfil my need:

                I have text in an RTF file (with Japanese characters) and I want to convert this to a UTF-8 TXT file. Or, I have copied this text from a website, and I want to save the copied japanese UTF-8 text to be save as TXT file in UTF-8.

                Would this be possible with your plugin?

                (I'm not sure that the clipboard plugin supports UTF-8...)

                thanks for your help,



                • lasho
                  Forum Member
                  • May 2005
                  • 3


                  I'm newbie here and can you help me wiyh this (unicode text to listbox) function?
                  i have this code in oneclick

                  I get this code example from here http://www.azman.info/ams/ShareData2.apz

                  tTextFile = TextFile.ReadToTable(_DesktopFolder.."\\test.txt")

                  for n=1, Table.Count(tTextFile) do
                  tLine = DelimitedStringToTable(tTextFile[n], ",")
                  if Table.Count(tLine) > 0 then
                  ListBox.AddItem("MyListBox", tLine[1], tLine[2])
                  -- badly formatted line
                  I try to change with

                  tTextFile = TextFile.ReadToTable(_DesktopFolder.."\\test.txt") this


                  tTextFile = Unicode.ReadToTable("_DesktopFolder.."\\test.txt", "utf-8");

                  but appears error "Line 4 Argument 1 must be of type table"

                  How to fix this error ?

                  Aslo in global is code

                  function DelimitedStringToTable(DelimitedString, Delimiter)
                  tbReturn = {};
                  local strWorking;
                  local nPos = nil;
                  local strData;
                  local nTableIndex = 1;
                  local nDelimiterLength = String.Length(Delimiter);

                  if(nDelimiterLength < 1)then
                  tbReturn[nTableIndex] = DelimitedString;
                  return tbReturn;

                  strWorking = DelimitedString;
                  nPos = String.Find(strWorking,Delimiter);
                  while(nPos ~= -1)do
                  strData = String.Left(strWorking,nPos-1);
                  tbReturn[nTableIndex] = strData;
                  nTableIndex = nTableIndex + 1;
                  local nLength = String.Length(strWorking);
                  strWorking = String.Right(strWorking,nLength - (nPos + (nDelimiterLength-1)));
                  nPos = String.Find(strWorking,Delimiter);
                  if(strWorking ~= "")then
                  tbReturn[nTableIndex] = strWorking;

                  return tbReturn;


                  • usbticari
                    Forum Member
                    • May 2010
                    • 1

                    ASCII UNICODE: TextFile table or string convert issues and Free Solutions

                    There is an error in the unicode plug-in file. My advice to you "http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/9831-uniconv-convert-unicode-cmd/" address the utility program as "uniconv" I suggest you use the program.
                    Download the program here. uniconv.zip


                    File.Run(_SourceFolder.."\\uniconv.exe ", "ucs2 old.txt ASCII new.txt", _SourceFolder, SW_MINIMIZE, true);

                    tTextFile = TextFile.ReadToTable(_SourceFolder.."\\new.txt");
                    The features and help files this small utility programs:

                    Uniconv Help


                    Uniconv is a command line utility that uses the Basis Technology C++
                    Library for Unicode for converting text between encodings and optionally
                    applying transforms to it.

                    Help Contents

                    * Usage
                    o Examples
                    * Encodings
                    o Encodings Quick Reference
                    * Character Properties
                    o Properties Quick Reference
                    * Transforms
                    o Transforms Quick Reference
                    * Error Messages
                    * Copyright Information



                    Uniconv will convert a text file written in a given encoding (click here
                    for accepted encodings) to another of its accepted encodings. It uses a
                    command line interface, the usage being as follows:

                    uniconv [-options] <input-encoding> <input-file> <output-encoding>
                    [property | transform]*

                    Name of the program to run.

                    input-encoding required
                    List the encoding of the input file. Encoding name must be
                    written in the way listed below.

                    input-file required
                    List the name of the file (if in the current directory) or the
                    path and file name of the file (if not in the current directory)
                    to be converted.

                    output-encoding required
                    List the desired encoding of the ouput file. Encoding name must
                    be written in the way listed below.

                    output-file required
                    List the name of the file to be created in the new encoding (if
                    in the current directory) or the path and file name of the new
                    file (if not in the current directory).

                    property optional
                    Returns true or false value for characters. A property is
                    associated with the transform that follows it. Properties not
                    followed by a transform are ignored. Multiple property-transform
                    pairs are OK. Multiple properties per transform are also OK. See
                    Character Properties for more information about how to use
                    properties, and see below for a quick reference of the
                    properties available.

                    transform optional
                    Changes a property value for designated characters in a file.
                    Multiple transforms are OK. See Transforms for more information
                    about how to use transforms, and see below for a quick reference
                    of the transforms available.

                    Use these flags at the beginning of the command line, before you
                    specify the input and output encodings and filenames.
                    -debug optional
                    This option will print messages generated by Auto-detect. For
                    example, if you are converting a Japanese file and the input
                    encoding is japaneseautodetect, uniconv will list the encodings
                    it is attempting (sjis, euc-j, etc.) and the results.

                    -help optional
                    Displays the copyright information.

                    -subst optional
                    Allows you to change the default substitution character. The
                    substitution character is the character that is used if there is
                    no direct mapping between characters in a conversion. The
                    default substitution character is CTRL-Z.

                    - All command line arguments are case insensitive.
                    - Separate properties and transforms with a space.
                    - If there are multiple properties or transforms, they will be
                    performed in the order listed.
                    - The options -debug, -help, -subst, if used, must directly
                    follow "uniconv".
                    - * means more than one property or transform is OK.


                    to change a file from Shift-JIS encoding to UCS2 encoding
                    uniconv sjis input.txt ucs2 output.txt

                    to change a file from ASCII encoding to UCS2 encoding and convert all
                    uppercase letters to lowercase
                    uniconv ascii input.txt ucs2 output.txt tolowercase

                    to keep a file in Shift-JIS and convert all half-width characters to
                    uniconv sjis input.txt sjis output.txt ToFullwidth

                    to keep a file in Shift-JIS and convert all half-width characters to
                    full-width and all uppercase romaji to lowercase
                    uniconv sjis input.txt sjis output.txt tofullwidth tolowercase

                    to keep a file in Shift-JIS and convert only katakana half-width
                    characters to full-width, leaving romaji half-width characters as-is
                    uniconv sjis input.txt sjis output.txt katakana tofullwidth


                    Quick Reference: Accepted Encodings
                    Arabic, ASCII, Big5, BMP, ChineseAutoDetect, cp1251, cp1252, cp437, cp850,
                    EUC-J, EUC-KR, GB2312, Greek, Hebrew, HZ, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-KR,
                    ISOLatinCyrillic, JapaneseAutoDetect, JIS_X0201, JIS_X_0208,
                    KoreanAutoDetect, Latin1, Latin2, Latin3, Latin4, Latin5, Latin6,
                    Shift-JIS, Thai, UCS2, Unicode11UCS2, Unicode11UTF7, Unicode11UTF8, UTF7,


                    Quick Reference: Accepted Properties
                    UppercaseLetter, LowercaseLetter, TitlecaseLetter, ModifierLetter,
                    OtherLetter, AnyLetter, NonSpacingMark, CombiningMark, DecimalNumber,
                    OtherNumber, DashPunctuation, OpenPunctuation, ClosePunctuation,
                    OtherPunctuation, MathSymbol, CurrencySymbol, OtherSymbol, SpaceSeparator,
                    LineSeparator, ParagraphSeparator, ControlCharacter, OtherCharacter,
                    UndefinedScript, GeneralScript, Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew,
                    Arabic, Devanagari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu,
                    Kannada, Malayalam, Thai, Lao, Tibetan, Georgian, HangulJamo, Hiragana,
                    Katakana, Kana, Bopomofo, CJKUnifiedIdeographs, Hangul, UndefinedWidth,
                    Fullwidth, Halfwidth


                    Quick Reference: Accepted Transforms
                    ToLowercase, ToUppercase, ToFullwidth, ToHalfwidth, ToHiragana,
                    ToKatakana, Decompose, Compose, ToCombiningMark, ToSpacingMark, Select,
                    Filter, ToCRLF, ToCR, ToLF, ToParagraphSeparator, ToLineSeparator,
                    ToCanonical, ToTraditionalChinese, ToSimplifiedChinese, RomajiToHiragana,
                    RomajiToKatakana, KanaToRomaji, ToLatinNumber, SGMLEntity

