3 Questions

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  • 3 Questions

    I've got 3 questions:
    1. Is it possible to link a rich text with a .txt in a webpage. So if i modify that .txt file in the webpage it will also be modified in the rich text in app.
    2. Is it possible to make a page search in a input not in a dialog/pop up screen.
    3. Is it possible to make a image when i hover it with mouse the image will change, when I click the image, the image will change (i need it for a web browser):o
    Thanks in advance
  • Ulrich
    Indigo Rose Staff Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 5130

    I'll try to answer two of your questions:
    1. Is it possible to link a rich text with a .txt in a webpage. So if i modify that .txt file in the webpage it will also be modified in the rich text in app.
    Yes, this is possible. However you can't do this in a single operation. You will have to proceed like this, for example:
    1. Download the RTF file from your server, using HTTP.Download, into your temporary folder.
    2. Then, using RichText.LoadFromFile, transfer the text into your container.
    3. At last, using File.Delete, clean up the temporary folder and remove the file you downloaded.

    There are always different ways to make something in AMS, so this is certainly not the only solution.
    3. Is it possible to make a image when i hover it with mouse the image will change, when I click the image, the image will change (i need it for a web browser):o
    Sure. You can use the Hotspot for this. Place one on the image, and define a image swap in the On Enter and/or On Click event. Very similar to image swaps done with Javascript on web pages.


